Alden Lee was born at 34 weeks on june 23, 2009 weighing 6 lbs 5 oz and 18 1/2 in long. His lungs were under developed and has been on oxygen to help assist him in his breathing, he started out using 47% oxygen from the machine and is now almost completly breathing on his own. He has juandice (or however you spell it) so they have him under a special light. they have been feeding him through a tube that goes down into his stomach and he has been doing well at accepting my milk so they are slowly weining him off of the IV. They are monitoring him very well and although he has quite a ways to go on his health before he can come home, we are thrilled at his daily progression. Here are a few pictures of our little fighter. We will be posting more soon. We love you all and thank you for all your love and support.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
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Our thoughts and prayers are with your family...congratulations.