Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I have been meaning to post these for a while, I've been busy having a baby and all;)
Any who a few months back Austin and I had the chance to go to the Sac Temple with our close Friends Andrew and Bailey. They are two of our favorite people we all get pretty goofy together. Well after the temple session, which was beautiful we went to old town sac and had alot of fun in the shops trying stuff on and being ridiculously funny as seen in some pictures below. We met up with another Friend of ours (Jeremy, so close our kids call him uncle.we love him) we all had lunch at one of my FAVORITE places The Elephant Bar if you have never been there your MISSING OUT and need to go experience it IMMEDIATELY. After lunch we headed over to the Capitol building because none of us have ever been inside, I have to say the best part was getting lost (somehow Bailey and I lost the boys a few times, coincident?) The worst part was afterward when we where walking around outside and by chance saw the 'Parking Meter Police' pull up to our car, mind you we where clear across the courtyard when we saw this yet that didn't stop us from booking it back to our car (I don't know why, maybe we thought we could talk her out of giving us a ticket) WRONG! $35 parking ticket (RIDICULOUS huh, I knew Aust should have listened when I suggested he add another dime.Darn.)I think we all complained about that for a good 20 minutes or so as we drove home, it was quite funny.Nothing but laughs the rest of the way. Needless to say we had a great time with our Friends on our little trip to Sac. Thanks guys it was fun.

An afternoon with Grandpa

The kids love when my dad comes over, they have alot of fun with him they think he is funny. Dad let Austin take the kids for a Bike Ride, they were pretty excited about it. Thanks dad for making my kids smile over the simple things.love you.

Pro Photographers?...Maybe

They got a hold of my camera and took some pictures before I came back into the room, guess they thought it would be funny. I must say when I found these pictures it did make me laugh

My Lounging Lizards

This is the lizard that lounged with Alden from day one in the NICU. The kids brought this lizard to the hospital to give to their brother. I thought the gift was perfect because I called Alden my little lounging lizard (he slept under a heater and then under a light 'photo therapy' for his jaundice.) They lounged together, one of our fav nurses Della loved it and said his lizard was looking over Alden when we weren't there, cheesy I know but when she said that to me it made me feel a little better inside when I had to leave him. Thank you Della

My Super Heroes

Draegon and Haizel where pretending to be batman and spiderman the other night it was so funny. They where running around saying "Don't worry I'll save you" It cracked me up, I had to take pictures

Haizel getting a running start to fly

Climbing up the side of a building not the fridg

the super hero stance I guess
What can I say, they bring out the kid in me.
Draegon wanted to get his hair cut because "it's to hot outside with hair" He said he wanted a mohawk and we laughed and told him " No you won't like it" He continued to go on and on and on and on with this mohhawk hair cut, so Austin gave him one. He found out that he didn't like it and wanted all of his hair cut off. But first he struck a few poses. He looks like a little Indian Warrior, hee hee

A few pictures of my boy's
Alden looks so cute curled up in daddy's hands

is he comfy or what

Awww...my sweet boy's

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

rock- a- by baby

I know Nana loves these moments, I do.

Miss Mae graduated preschool, that happened TOO FAST. She is soooo ready for kindergarten, and absolutely thrilled to be going to 'bubbas school'. I'm happy for her and little sad for me. love you Haiz


We celebrated Haizel's 5th birthday on the 11th, and I must say I was pretty emotional about the whole idea of my baby girl not being a 'baby' anymore. It seems like yesterday when she was crawling around our living room floor, now she's swirling and twirling around, and I know that will soon be over too.sad.
She dressed up as a princess for the party and looked b-e-a-utiful! We let her invite one Friend this year, and she seemed to enjoy every minute with her little Friend. She really loved all of her presents, thanks to everyone who sent gifts and to all of you who made it to the party.
'Miss Mae I love you so much and it brings me joy to watch you grow and learn, you have brightened my days and filled them with laughter, thank you sweet girl.

Welcome Home Little One!

After 22 days in the NICU our little joy is FINALLY home! we are thrilled and relieved to have that behind us so we can begin enjoying our new addition. I'm interested to see how the feel of our home will change with him here, I already feel so much joy and happiness just knowing he is in his own bed in the next room. I must admit I'm also a little concerned about the fact that I don't really know what his different cries mean yet, I feel like I haven't been around him enough to know the difference (although I practically lived in the NICU)It's all new and I'm sure I'll get into the swing of things soon enough. I'm just grateful that he is healthy, strong, and home. WELCOME HOME MY SWEET SON, I LOVE YOU!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Little Alden Lee

Alden Lee was born at 34 weeks on june 23, 2009 weighing 6 lbs 5 oz and 18 1/2 in long. His lungs were under developed and has been on oxygen to help assist him in his breathing, he started out using 47% oxygen from the machine and is now almost completly breathing on his own. He has juandice (or however you spell it) so they have him under a special light. they have been feeding him through a tube that goes down into his stomach and he has been doing well at accepting my milk so they are slowly weining him off of the IV. They are monitoring him very well and although he has quite a ways to go on his health before he can come home, we are thrilled at his daily progression. Here are a few pictures of our little fighter. We will be posting more soon. We love you all and thank you for all your love and support.