We miss our friends the Candelairia family, but when they where in Redding visiting fdamily we were able to steal some time with them it was fun and it felt like the good 'ol days when we would get together and have family home evening at eachothers homes on monday nights. We also had the chance to get all dressed up and take some nice pictures at the sundial bridge, I did thier family and Ash took a few of our family and luckly her sister showed up atthe end a shot a picture of all of us together (nice how that worked out). Our kids play so WELL together I wish we where all closer it would be fun.
I'm missing a picture of my older brother, but I will have plenty soon since I am going to Kansas to visit for 2 weeks. I am SOOO EXCITED I can't wait.I have'nt been home since high school back in '01 it's crazy. I'm so looking forward to my kids meeting MY family for the FIRST TIME EVER!It's gonna be AWESOME!
I have been meaning to post these for a while, I've been busy having a baby and all;) Any who a few months back Austin and I had the chance to go to the Sac Temple with our close Friends Andrew and Bailey. They are two of our favorite people we all get pretty goofy together. Well after the temple session, which was beautiful we went to old town sac and had alot of fun in the shops trying stuff on and being ridiculously funny as seen in some pictures below. We met up with another Friend of ours (Jeremy, so close our kids call him uncle.we love him) we all had lunch at one of my FAVORITE places The Elephant Bar if you have never been there your MISSING OUT and need to go experience it IMMEDIATELY. After lunch we headed over to the Capitol building because none of us have ever been inside, I have to say the best part was getting lost (somehow Bailey and I lost the boys a few times, coincident?) The worst part was afterward when we where walking around outside and by chance saw the 'Parking Meter Police' pull up to our car, mind you we where clear across the courtyard when we saw this yet that didn't stop us from booking it back to our car (I don't know why, maybe we thought we could talk her out of giving us a ticket) WRONG! $35 parking ticket (RIDICULOUS huh, I knew Aust should have listened when I suggested he add another dime.Darn.)I think we all complained about that for a good 20 minutes or so as we drove home, it was quite funny.Nothing but laughs the rest of the way. Needless to say we had a great time with our Friends on our little trip to Sac. Thanks guys it was fun.
The kids love when my dad comes over, they have alot of fun with him they think he is funny. Dad let Austin take the kids for a Bike Ride, they were pretty excited about it. Thanks dad for making my kids smile over the simple things.love you.